We are a boutique firm offering tailored corporate management, domiciliation, accounting, reporting, legal and tax compliance services to institutional and corporate clients, operating in or through Sweden.

We foster close relationships with our domestic and international clients and their networks of trusted advisors, to determine, design, and implement the desired or required level of economic substance and effective management and control.

We appreciate the importance of independence. Our firm is not aligned with any domestic or international trust or fiduciary company or any other similar professional service provider.

Our positioning is very different to that of other players in our industry (e.g. Amicorp Group, Intertrust Group, The Citco Group of Companies, TMF Group) that mainly operate as rep offices for their worldwide business activities.

Our single-territory strategy implies that we are exclusively focused on and intimately acquainted with corporate services conventions and developments in Sweden.

Our commitment is to operating on the cutting edge of the Swedish corporate services industry, and maintaining best practices at transparent and competitive rates.


We offer the following customized directorship (stryning) services, or more specifically board room (styrelse) functions:

  • chairperson of the board (styrelseordförande);
  • member of the board (ordinarie styrelseledamot);
  • alternate or substitute director (styrelsesuppleant).

These functions represent distinct powers, responsibilities and liabilities under Swedish corporate law.

In addition, we also offer the following functions:

  • authorized process agent (särskild delgivningsmottagare);
  • authorized signatory (särskild firmatecknare).

We do not offer however, day-to-day management (styrelse för daglig verksamhet or direktion) functions.

The elected level of management and control can be easily adjusted to meet the desired level of corporate governance, and to comply with specific economic substance requirements.

If desired or required, we can also offer inhouse domiciliation, accounting, reporting, legal and tax compliance services. We offer our broad range of services to domestic and international clients operating in or through Sweden, via:

  • private companies limited by shares (privata aktiebolag);
  • public companies limited by shares (publika aktiebolag);
  • general partnerships (handelsbolag);
  • limited partnerships (komanditbolag);
  • cooperatives (ekonomiska föreningar);
  • not-for-profit associations (ideella föreningar), including housing societies (bostadsrättsföreningar);
  • foundations (stiftelser), including family foundations (familj stiftelser);
  • branch offices (filaler) of foreign enterprises.

We can even offer our services to:

  • European societies (europabolag);
  • European cooperatives (europakooperativer);
  • European economic interest groupings (europeisk ekonomisk intressegrupperingar).

We know that pro-active governance is the best way to effectively manage and control entities. Current laws, regulations and business conditions are taken into account when establishing a legal structure. However, these factors can change over time, and it is the local management’s core responsibility to anticipate these changes, to recognize opportunities or threats, and to align the level of management and control with evolving needs and requirements.


We work with our clients to offer fee strategies that help allocate project resources appropriately and incrementally. 

Our fee models are intended to allow our clients to have a crystal clear visibility into the financials of a project, without hidden or last-minute add-ons.

We strive to foster a fee policy that values and rewards exemplary ethical standards, personal and corporate integrity, and transparency. Consequently, we do not offer or accept kickbacks, referral fees, rebates, bonuses, commissions, or any other form of remuneration for project introduction or client referral.